Mae Trac yn falch o bweru recriwtio ar gyfer

NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board


Our role as an ICB is to join up health and care services, improve people's health and wellbeing, and make sure everyone has the same access to services and gets the same outcomes from treatment.

We also oversee how money is spent and make sure health services are working well and are of high quality. 

Involving our communities is really important to us. We are committed to putting the needs of people living in Lancashire and South Cumbria at the heart of all we do.
We are also proud to be part of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership.


NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
Level 3, Christ Church Precinct
County Hall
Fishergate Hill
Contact Number
0300 373 3550

Darganfod rhagor

Swyddi Gwefan
Statws y swydd wag: Closed
Cyf: 125-ICB082-24 ID y swydd wag: 6390501

Senior Programme Manager - Recovery & Transformation

Closed for applications on: 10-Awst-2024 00:01

Statws y swydd wag: Closed

Closed for applications on: 10-Awst-2024 00:01

Ddim yn derbyn ceisiadau mwyach

Ymddiheuriadau, ond nid yw'r swydd wag hon yn derbyn ceisiadau mwyach.

Gallwch chwilio am swyddi tebyg ar fwrdd swyddi'r cyflogwr, neu fynd i'n bwrdd swyddi cenedlaethol Health Jobs UK.