Mae Trac yn falch o bweru recriwtio ar gyfer

Coventry & Warwickshire Integrated Care Board


NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board is responsible for commissioning health and care services on behalf of people in Coventry and Warwickshire.

We are passionate about working together with our health and social care partners to ensure services are integrated, seamless and offer a high-quality patient experience. We thrive on building strong relationships patients, communities, partners and providers


Parkside House
Quinton Road

Darganfod rhagor

Swyddi Gwefan
Statws y swydd wag: Closed
Cyf: 105-6393529 ID y swydd wag: 6393529

Senior Transformation Manager - Mental Health

Closed for applications on: 10-Gorff-2024 00:00

Statws y swydd wag: Closed

Closed for applications on: 10-Gorff-2024 00:00

Ddim yn derbyn ceisiadau mwyach

Ymddiheuriadau, ond nid yw'r swydd wag hon yn derbyn ceisiadau mwyach.

Gallwch chwilio am swyddi tebyg ar fwrdd swyddi'r cyflogwr, neu fynd i'n bwrdd swyddi cenedlaethol Health Jobs UK.