Mae Trac yn falch o bweru recriwtio ar gyfer

Havens Hospices


Havens Hospices provides palliative nursing and supportive care to adults and children living with complex or incurable conditions.

Our specialist Care Teams can support them and their family living throughout illness, death and bereavement, in the comfort of their own home and through our hospice services, Fair Havens and Little Havens.

We focus on their quality of life, caring for individual physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. We don’t charge a penny for any of our care services. Our hospice care can only exist because of the support and generosity of the community.

Together, we’re ‘Making every day count.’


Fair Havens
226 Priory Crescent
Southend on Sea
Contact Number
01702 220350

Darganfod rhagor

Swyddi Gwefan
Statws y swydd wag: Closed
Cyf: Trac ID 6511122 ID y swydd wag: 6511122

Sister - LH IPU

Closed for applications on: 2-Awst-2024 08:17

Statws y swydd wag: Closed

Closed for applications on: 2-Awst-2024 08:17

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Ymddiheuriadau, ond nid yw'r swydd wag hon yn derbyn ceisiadau mwyach.

Gallwch chwilio am swyddi tebyg ar fwrdd swyddi'r cyflogwr, neu fynd i'n bwrdd swyddi cenedlaethol Health Jobs UK.