Mae Trac yn falch o bweru recriwtio ar gyfer

Northumbria Healthcare - NHCT Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is an award winning NHS Foundation Trust which provides hospital and community health services in North Tyneside,  and hospital, community health and adult social care services in Northumberland.


Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Human Resources Department
Northumbria House
7/8 Silver Fox Way, Cobalt Business Park
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE27 0QJ
Contact Number
0191 2031415 Option 2
Statws y swydd wag: Closed
Cyf: 319-6881084MH ID y swydd wag: 6881084

Nursing Assistant

Closed for applications on: 27-Rhag-2024 09:18

Statws y swydd wag: Closed

Closed for applications on: 27-Rhag-2024 09:18

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Ymddiheuriadau, ond nid yw'r swydd wag hon yn derbyn ceisiadau mwyach.

Gallwch chwilio am swyddi tebyg ar fwrdd swyddi'r cyflogwr, neu fynd i'n bwrdd swyddi cenedlaethol Health Jobs UK.